Native Americans Protest Pipeline Across North Dakota Sacred Lands

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Native Americans Protest Dakota Access Pipeline Across North Dakota Sacred Lands

"Trump administration to approve final permit for Dakota Access pipeline." Washington Post, 2/7/17.

"In Victory for Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Court Finds that Approval of Dakota Access Pipeline Violated the Law." Earthjustice, 6/14/17.

"Leaked Documents Reveal Counterterrorism Tactics Used at Standing Rock to "Defeat Pipeline Insurgencies." The Intercept, 5/27/17.

"Crude Oil Begins To Flow Through Controversial Dakota Access Pipeline." NPR, 6/1/17.

"The Dakota Access pipeline sprung 2 new leaks." Business Insider, 5/23/17.

"Is Nothing Sacred? How Archaeological Reviews Imperil Tribal Lands." Reveal, 4/14/17.

"Standing Rock Protest Camp, Once Home to Thousands, Is Razed." New York Times, 2/23/17.

"Army Approves Construction of Dakota Access Pipeline."  New York Times, 2/7/17.

"The Dakota Access Pipeline isn’t just about the environment. It’s about religion." Washington Post, 12/5/16.

"Protesters Gain Victory in Fight Over Dakota Access Oil Pipeline." New York Times, 12/4/16.

"Activists and police trade blame after Dakota Access protester severely injured." Washington Post, 11/22/16.

"Obama says Dakota Access pipeline could be rerouted to accommodate sacred land." ThinkProgress, 11/3/16.

"Dakota Access protesters removed from private land, more than 100 arrested after standoff with police." Washington Post, 10/28/16.

"Tribe sees Dakota Access Pipeline as just latest in long history of violations." Seattle Times, 10/26/16.

"Standing Rock protests escalate, as tribe calls for DOJ to investigate." Christian Science Monitor 10/24/16.

"Dakota Pipeline Company Buys Ranch Near Sioux Protest Site, Records Show." NBC News, 9/23/16.

"Archeologists denounce Dakota Access pipeline for destroying artifacts." The Guardian, 9/22/16.

"Tribal chairman asks U.N. commission to oppose Dakota Access Pipeline." Duluth News Tribune, 9/20/16.

"Neil Young releases video for new protest song, 'Indian Givers'." Entertainment Weekly, 9/19/16.

"The Dakota Access Pipeline has rallied Native Americans tribes like no other issue in recent history." Earth Island Journal, 9/12/16.

"U.S. Suspends Construction on Part of North Dakota Pipeline." Front page, New York Times, 9/10/16.

"U.S. authorities will temporarily halt construction of pipeline near lake sacred to Standing Rock Sioux." Los Angeles Times, 9/9/16.

"The Latest: Feds request ‘pause’ on span of pipeline." Washington Post, 9/9/16.

"Judge's Order Halts Construction On Part Of North Dakota Pipeline." NPR, 9/7/16

"'I Want to Win Someday’: Tribes Make Stand Against Pipeline." Front page, New York Times, 9/8/16

"North Dakota Pipeline Protest Turns Violent After Native American Burial Grounds Allegedly Damaged." Time, 9/4/16.

"Far-Reaching Tribal Solidarity Displayed at Pipeline Protest." ABC News, 8/27/16.

"Taking a Stand at Standing Rock." New York Times, 8/25/16.

"Occupying the Prairie: Tensions Rise as Tribes Move to Block a Pipeline." New York Times, 8/24/16.

"Roadblocks Remain While Prayer Camp Stays Peaceful." Indian Country Today Media Network, 8/22/16.