Native Americans Protest Dakota Access Pipeline Across North Dakota Sacred Lands
"Trump administration to approve final permit for Dakota Access pipeline." Washington Post, 2/7/17.
"In Victory for Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Court Finds that Approval of Dakota Access Pipeline Violated the Law." Earthjustice, 6/14/17.
"Leaked Documents Reveal Counterterrorism Tactics Used at Standing Rock to "Defeat Pipeline Insurgencies." The Intercept, 5/27/17.
"Crude Oil Begins To Flow Through Controversial Dakota Access Pipeline." NPR, 6/1/17.
"The Dakota Access pipeline sprung 2 new leaks." Business Insider, 5/23/17.
"Is Nothing Sacred? How Archaeological Reviews Imperil Tribal Lands." Reveal, 4/14/17.
"Standing Rock Protest Camp, Once Home to Thousands, Is Razed." New York Times, 2/23/17.
"Army Approves Construction of Dakota Access Pipeline." New York Times, 2/7/17.
"The Dakota Access Pipeline isn’t just about the environment. It’s about religion." Washington Post, 12/5/16.
"Protesters Gain Victory in Fight Over Dakota Access Oil Pipeline." New York Times, 12/4/16.
"Activists and police trade blame after Dakota Access protester severely injured." Washington Post, 11/22/16.
"Obama says Dakota Access pipeline could be rerouted to accommodate sacred land." ThinkProgress, 11/3/16.
"Dakota Access protesters removed from private land, more than 100 arrested after standoff with police." Washington Post, 10/28/16.
"Tribe sees Dakota Access Pipeline as just latest in long history of violations." Seattle Times, 10/26/16.
"Standing Rock protests escalate, as tribe calls for DOJ to investigate." Christian Science Monitor 10/24/16.
"Dakota Pipeline Company Buys Ranch Near Sioux Protest Site, Records Show." NBC News, 9/23/16.
"Archeologists denounce Dakota Access pipeline for destroying artifacts." The Guardian, 9/22/16.
"Tribal chairman asks U.N. commission to oppose Dakota Access Pipeline." Duluth News Tribune, 9/20/16.
"Neil Young releases video for new protest song, 'Indian Givers'." Entertainment Weekly, 9/19/16.
"The Dakota Access Pipeline has rallied Native Americans tribes like no other issue in recent history." Earth Island Journal, 9/12/16.
"U.S. Suspends Construction on Part of North Dakota Pipeline." Front page, New York Times, 9/10/16.
"U.S. authorities will temporarily halt construction of pipeline near lake sacred to Standing Rock Sioux." Los Angeles Times, 9/9/16.
"The Latest: Feds request ‘pause’ on span of pipeline." Washington Post, 9/9/16.
"Judge's Order Halts Construction On Part Of North Dakota Pipeline." NPR, 9/7/16
"'I Want to Win Someday’: Tribes Make Stand Against Pipeline." Front page, New York Times, 9/8/16
"North Dakota Pipeline Protest Turns Violent After Native American Burial Grounds Allegedly Damaged." Time, 9/4/16.
"Far-Reaching Tribal Solidarity Displayed at Pipeline Protest." ABC News, 8/27/16.
"Taking a Stand at Standing Rock." New York Times, 8/25/16.
"Occupying the Prairie: Tensions Rise as Tribes Move to Block a Pipeline." New York Times, 8/24/16.
"Roadblocks Remain While Prayer Camp Stays Peaceful." Indian Country Today Media Network, 8/22/16.